The Teen L.E.A.D. program emphasizes (Leadership. Education. Assistance. Development.) for youth, ages 13-19. The purpose of the program is to develop a positive self-image in all participants. Teens will learn to recognize personal leadership characteristics and apply new life skills learnings to better equip themselves for post-secondary life.
Students are surveyed pre and post program. After each session youth complete a reflections sheet so they can provide immediate feedback for staff and volunteers to disseminate. The surveys identify internal and external assets in numerous categories including Support, Empowerment, Boundaries/Expectations, Behavior, Constructive use of Time, Commitment to Learning, Positive Values, Social Competencies, and Positive Identity.
Our fall session starts September 30th. Our meeting days are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3pm-6pm. However, on our field trip days we will meet for longer. We have a lot of exciting activities that we will be engaging the teens with. They will learn Life Skills, experience Digital Innovation, and Laser Technology, Workforce Development, Leadership Skills, Financial Literacy, Entrepreneurship, Public Speaking, Police and Teenager Community Relations, Art, Physical Fitness, College Visits, post-secondary education, and go on great Field Trips. There’s no cost to you for our program. Please sign your teenager up today.
Contact Phil Williams at PWilliams@kingsleyassociation.org or Mariah Majakey at MMajakey@kingsleyassociation.org with any inquiries.
Registration is open for our fall session starting September 30th!
core 5 themes
Public speaking
Teens will learn specific techniques to assist them in preparation and delivery of a quality speech. Teens will deliver a speech in front of their peers and adults and receive constructive feedback. This is a major skill that all teens need to improve upon as they embark upon life as adults (e.g. debate teams, improv, art).
Post-secondary preparation
Teens will receive assistance in preparing for college, trade school, workforce or any other field. Professionals from all walks will share tips and information with students (e.g. college tours, SAT/ACT prep).
Life Skills
Teens will be taught how to cook basic meals, clean, iron, wash clothes and perform other daily tasks that are often ignored (e.g. hygiene, etiquette, nutrition, cooking, health, wellness).
Job preparation
Teens will learn interviewing skills and have mock sessions with adults with peer feedback. The purpose is to teach relaxation techniques and incorporate public speaking tips to ensure clear, concise answers when in an interview session (e.g. interviewing, career exposure, internships).
Financial Literacy
Teens will be taught the basics of how to manage a checkbook and how to accurately record transactions to avoid overdraws. Usage of an ATM machine will be discussed as well as how to read and understand tax withholding on paychecks (e.g. saving, student loans, entrepreneurship classes).
Additional themes
Along with the 5 core themes to the Teen L.E.A.D. program, there are eleven additional themes that are touched on throughout the program. While the Core 5 tend to be the main focus, we feel that the themes below deserve to be discussed as well.