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Get the Covid-19 Vaccine at Kingsley

On December 20th, the Kingsley Association is hosting a COVID-19 vaccine clinic based on grants received recently. That vaccine clinic will be from 2pm-4pm this coming Monday, for more information click here. Now, the Kingsley Association has received more funding

through the COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Grant Program to host another vaccine clinic in the future. This time around, we were approved for the amount of $75,000 by Governor Tom Wolf and the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. The dates for future vaccine clinics will be posted as more information comes in and plans are made. For now, the solidified date of December 20th is still a go, so come in to the Kingsley Association between 2pm-4pm to get the vaccine and help stop the spread of the Coronavirus.



6435 Frankstown Avenue 

Pittsburgh, PA 15206 

P: (412) 661-8751 


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 Monday-Friday:  8:00am - 8:00pm 

 Saturday:  9:00am - 4:00pm 

 Sunday:  Closed 

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